Another wonderful day in Abaco. The weather has finaly turned warm, 80 Deg the last two days.
It's been very interesting. When we arrived, there was no one, I mean no one, except Taravana out on the water. It was cold, windy, and uncomfortable. But Capt. Gary and mate Ed insisted on going out. It was well worth it. The experience has been well worth the trouble.
But, three days ago, everything changed. The temps changed, and winds died down. Now there are boats everywhere. The water is so clear you can see down many feet.
We've been very impressed with the way Gary and Alison have kept Taravana in top shape. She is beautiful. And they have made the boat very welcoming. Which is not easy to do. With different types of people as crew, they are easy-going and graceful. For example, I get up at 5 and, if I'm quiet, I can just sit around and read as the sky turns from dark to violet to blue. Outstanding. Others get up as they awaken and no one is put out by this. That is the sign of gracious and understanding hosts.
Around 7:45 Gary is up and starts the generator -- for fresh coffee -- and a hot shower for Alison. Then its breakfast and time to lounge around as we listen to the cruisers' net.
We usually get underway around 10 and just have the best time in world. Lunch happens somewhere around noon and then we anchor around 2 for an afternoon of Train Wreck, reading, touring around or swimming.
Then dinner comes around 7 pn. Of course, since we're all old fogies, we're in bed no later than 9. Ed got a call at 9:30 last night, and he was so sound asleep he took a while to wake up and take it.
This is our last night on the boat, and while we've had a great time, it seems to have flown by, and also seemed very long. Both very good things to feel.
What is our favorite anchorage? By far, it is Hope Town. I love the name. And the town is so cute and traditional. If we ever come back, we'll definitely make Hope Town our home-port.
Tomorrow we head back to VA and winter. But in the meantime, we'll treat the crew to dinner at Mangoes.
Hopefully this won't be the last blog entry. I'm hoping that Gary and Alison bring the boat back to the US around Easter so I can help bring Taravana up; the Ditch to beautiful Gloucester.
Ed and Sharon Walker
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