Marsh Habour and Abaco have been absolutely beautiful the last few days and is supposed to be this way for the next four or five days. Temperature is 68 to 71, bright sunshine and clear water. Too bad Joe & Carrie did not get this weather before they left. Well the laundry is getting clean, two loads and one to go. The boat is actually getting cleaned also. Mostly though I have been relaxing reading 'Wind from the Carolinas". Cannot wait to see Alison, Ed M. suggested she give me a lecture, I cannot wait. Well Roadhouse is playing, it is pretty relaxing, sorry Ed W. no 'Tears in my Beer". I have been having trouble uploading pictures, I will try to take my computer in closer to the signal. Stay warm & take care.
Capt. Gary
Alison & Gary- There are little chunks of ice falling from the sky. It's really cold and gray here. Thought you would enjoy hearing what you are missing! XX Sally